Since this was our first attempt, we had to enter as rookies and make 3 safety passes. The passes consisted of 125, 150 and 175mph and were graded as you passed through the traps.
On the first pass we pegged the speedo on 125 and held it steady. Surprisingly enough, the time slip showed the real speed was 106! A quick adjustment to our technique to add 20mph to the speedo and we were up for the second pass, the 150 run. We held on 180 and came through the traps at 163. We aimed a bit high on that pass just to be sure we were where we needed to be.
The 175 pass was going to be a little different as we didn't have a reference point as the speedo would be we gave it all the bike had. To our delight we were just at the edge of the rev limited and trapped 178 for the final licensing pass! We then received our green light to go as fast as our machine could go.
Since we were banging on the rev limiter, we knew we ran out of gear and decided to retool and get everything ready for another attempt next month!